9 Secrets To Attract Women To Your Life
Has it ever happened to you that you felt like a famous artist that it seemed that all women paid attention to you, did you have facility to attract them?
Sometimes the stars align and it seems that everything goes well. Or maybe it was you who, unknowingly, were doing something outstanding.
However, more often than not, they seem to ignore you. It's like you're transparent and you get the feeling that all the other guys know what they're doing except you.
With this publication I do not intend to teach you how to flirt but I am going to share with you some keys that will make you more attractive to women, without having to pretend anything.
This is your personal change that, yes or yes, will make you look different from the outside.
Also, I am sure that the time you did so well you were doing some of these things, see for yourself.
1. Trust
If there is a value that attracts women, it is self-confidence.
This is why there are men that you consider to be ugly, unattractive, small, or unfriendly but who are capable of flirting a lot.
Trust is the key to everything. A real trust and not based on arrogance, but based on:
healthy self love
make decisions easily
be clear about your ideas
know what is your address
These are all things that almost every woman admires in a man.
The Trust is something you have to work yourself and do not try to get out, seducing women pure ego.
With this there are no pitfalls or shortcuts it is about doing personal work for real and in depth.
2. Be Authentic
One of the most attractive things is an authentic man . A man who does not have masks, a man who shows himself as he is.
If you try to like everyone, playing at being someone else, it won't do you any good.
Women are very intelligent and it is very difficult to deceive them. They are able to smell the lie.
If you're playing at being someone else to like him, you're not going to get very far.
So if you don't like dancing salsa, say so, if you don't like romantic movies, don't watch them, if you don't like shopping, admit it.
Being who you really are will attract women who really love you just the way you are and everything will be much easier in any relationship.
The worst thing that can happen to you is that you attract someone pretending to be someone else and then you have to keep pretending eternally (Has it ever happened to you?)
Of course, the first thing you have to do is know who you really are and for that You need to do your self-knowledge work, for that it can help you to do acoaching or mentoring process .
3. Have a purpose
A man living his life purpose is the most attractive for a woman and for other men as well.
Knowing that you are doing something relevant, having a project more important than yourself is a fact that drives them crazy.
Also, when you have a life purpose, you do not have so much need to have a partner, which makes you more attractive for this reason too; it is a double benefit.
As David Deida, the author of The Way of the Higher Man , one of the best modern books on masculinity, says, if you don't have a purpose, your purpose is to find your purpose.
4. Listen to her
Most of the women have a great longing with the men and it is that they listen to them.
Give them the space to share what they are feeling, what is happening in their life.
Giving them a space of trust, in which they can express themselves without you solving all the problems, will help them open their hearts to you much faster.
But this does not mean that you have to listen to how he complains or how he criticizes other people all the time.
Bring the conversation to what really matters:
what's going on in your life right now
how does it feel
what do you want to achieve
and leaves empty conversations about the misfortunes that occur in the world.
If you are afraid that she will talk so much that you cannot follow her, try giving her a time, 5 or 10 minutes, controlled by the clock, in which you will give her all your presence.
10 minutes like this is more valuable than hours without paying full attention. Not only I say it, but also in this visual guide to attract women
5. By will not from necessity
There is nothing less attractive than a man desperate to have sex. You can ask any woman and she will confirm it for you.
The fact that you are calm makes you release an energy that makes you much more appetizing.
Surely it has happened to you when you had a girlfriend and suddenly other women approached you.
It is precisely for this. You don't need them and suddenly they are drawn to you. It seems like an old topic, but it works.
Find ways to control that sexual energy : practice tantra, exercise, or spend time in nature.
But don't fall into the trap of the next point ...
6. Dont cheat
You have an important date with that girl that you want to meet so much and before you go you think ...
-I want to go relaxed, I'm going to masturbate before ...
You have ever done it, and you know it! It's a mistake.
Nothing happens, I've done it too, just like I've put on a deodorant thinking it would make me bind .
This strategy will not work for you because, while it is true that your desire for it will be reduced, your energy and personal strength will also be reduced by losing your most important essence.
You can use other options. Those of the previous section are valid and, in addition, yoga, meditation or something that makes you relax and be calm, but do not lose your most important energy.
7. Eliminate the expectation
This is probably the most important and most difficult key to get.
If you go on a date with a plan in mind, if everything is a seduction strategy to put her in bed, it shows.
It may be useful because she wants the same, but I assure you that if you eliminate the expectation and only think about enjoying each moment, everything will go much more smoothly.
Also, if there is no expectation, nothing can go wrong because there is nothing to compare it with.
Every interaction with a woman can be an opportunity to learn and to know yourself more, enjoy that and everything that happens.
If it goes "well" enjoy it, and if it goes "bad" enjoy it too and learn the lesson.
8. Succeed, under your own definition
Most women are attracted to successful men.
But, a successful man does not have to be the image that we have been sold of the executive in a convertible.
A successful man can be:
.a man who lives his life purpose
one that is free
a man who does things the way he wants
Success does not have to be economic or social status.
This success can be having many friends or simply living a life based on your values and without giving up on them or values such as integrity, freedom or love.
Live a meaningful life for you and they will want to be with you.
9. Show yourself vulnerable
Most women like strong men, but that doesn't mean you have to be a machine or a robot without feelings.
Share with her how you feel. If you are able to show yourself vulnerable and open your heart, she will fall surrendered to your arms.
But not from a needy attitude (needed in English), but from the desire to share and express how you feel at all times.
You will get a deeper connection and show yourself as you are.
These 9 secrets to becoming a magnet for women will help you be more attractive to women. But, the most important thing of all, is to know the purpose of all this seduction game.
If what you are looking for is someone who fattens your ego and puts one more notch in your pistol or places one more flag, you have not understood the game.
If you are looking to create deep connections, sharing beautiful moments with another person, you are on the right track.
Courage with that and to succeed.
All these tips may or may not help you.
Is there anything else that has made a difference for you with women?
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